The robot construction on our farm is well underway, and there are not enough hours in a day for all that needs completing before the first cow is milked
I recently was interviewed for a podcast called, "Parenting Great Kids with Dr. Meg Meeker," regarding food insecurity and raising kids on our family dairy farm. As I was telling my story — I was
The breeding age heifer contributes greatly to the future success of a dairy. She can also be the source of lost opportunities. Joe Dalton, University of Idaho, addressed the importance of getting young...
School’s out, and summer is finally here! Summertime memories are some of my favorite. As a youth, I had the opportunity to travel the United States every summer
At just 5 years old, I fell into the dairy industry by chance, but I’ve stayed by choice. My older brother had started showing dairy cattle for a local dairyman at the 2003 North Carolina State Fair
Each year, we go through rain spells and dry spells, hot spells and cold spells. When it is cold, we are thinking about how nice hot weather would be, and when it is hot, we dream about how good that cold...